The sacrament of Confirmation deepens the graces and the blessings of the Holy Spirit received at Baptism. Through Confirmation one is strengthened anew by the Spirit so that one can live out the Christian life more fully.
The typical time to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is in grade 8. Yet the preparation program itself is open to anyone who has already been baptized in the Church and received First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Parents are advised to contact their local parish for information regarding preparing their children to receive the Sacraments. Immediate sacramental preparation is the responsibility of the parish where the sacrament will be celebrated. For school-ages this preparation is best accomplished when home, school, and parish work collaboratively under the direction of the pastor; learn more about each role involved in the sacramental preparation process here.
Adults who are seeking to enter the Catholic Church can do so by contacting us using this form or contacting their local Catholic parish using the Parish Finder map at this link.
Immediate Sacramental Preparation - the process of preparing persons to receive a particular sacrament - is the responsibility of the local Church. Please contact your local Catholic parish to learn more about the resources that they have selected for sacramental preparation, and to register to receive the sacraments.
The department of Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry is pleased to provide resources for the accompaniment and sacramental preparation of all persons, including Adaptive Confirmation Kit for the catechesis of young persons with special needs which may be requested here.