On Saturday, April 27, the Diocese of London will celebrate the ordination to the priesthood of three men who have been called to, and chosen, a life of faith and service for our local Church: Rev. Mr. James Prins, Rev. Mr. Matthew R. Sawyer and Rev. Mr. Tony J. (TJ) Vandermeer will receive the sacrament of Holy Orders.
The Mass of Ordination will take place at 11:00 a.m. at St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica in London with the Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, CSB, Bishop of London presiding and many priests, family members and friends in attendance.
Media are welcome to attend. If you would like the opportunity to speak to Bishop Fabbro and/or our new priests, please let us know using the contact information below.
About the Diocese of London
Founded in 1856, the Roman Catholic Diocese of London serves an estimated 400,000 Catholics in nine southwestern Ontario counties. The Diocese currently comprises over 100 parishes and Catholic Communities ranging from Windsor to Woodstock and from Goderich to Port Dover. The Bishop of the Diocese of London is the Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, CSB. For more information please visit www.dol.ca.
Media contact
Matthew Clarke, Director of Communications
T: 519-433-0658 ext. 263
M: 519-494-4086